Horizon Advises BestNursingDegree.com on Acquisition

related websites – was acquired by Ad Venture Interactive (AVI).
AVI is a  full-service interactive marketing company encompassing five divisions: PlattForm Advertising, PlattForm Higher Ed, Beauty Schools Marketing Group, Transportation Marketing Group, and Vertical Marketing Group. It is backed by Arlington Capital.

BestNursingDegree.com and its sister sites are devoted to postsecondary education with a focus on nursing and allied health.

For more information on the transaction, please see Pattform Advertising’s (a division of AVI) press release on the acquisition.

AVI’s acquisition of the BestNursingDegree network of websites is Horizon’s fourth completed transaction of 2012.  Additional information regarding Horizon’s other 2012 transactions can be accessed at the following links:

Please let us know if you’d like to learn more about any of Horizon’s previous transactions or about the Horizon M&A process.

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